Adventures Abroad

Adventures Abroad
Machu Picchu

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Channel Your Inner Cat!

Hello, lovely bloggers!

Today is a day that will soon be filled with snow, but for now I sit at a coffee shop enjoying my white mocha. On a side note, Starbucks actually called me Haiti on my cup instead of Katie. I found this to be quite funny.

Now in all honesty, I decided to share a secret with you. The secret being that you can make a few hours in your day feel like summer. How do you feel about that? Excited? Me too!

How do you do it?

-Grab a Pina Colada (if you are of age!)
-Get an ipod and some headphones
-Download some new tunes:

1.) The Beach Boys:
  • "Wouldn't It Be Nice"
  • "Kokomo"
  • "Barbara Ann"
2.) Mele O Hawaii:
  • "White Sandy Beach"
  • "Deeper Blue"
  • "While my Guitar Gently Weeps"
-Now channel your inner cat! Find a small sliver of sunlight peaking through your window and relax. Put in your headphones and enjoy the hour of summer. 

Enjoy summer in winter, fellow bloggers!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Kiss the Winter Blues Goodbye!

Hello, fellow bloggers!

Are you wishing for spring, but feeling the winter blues?

Well, I bet you and I are in the same boat when it comes to winter skin. My skin is dry and dull no matter how many times I moisturize it. My finger nails are brittle and have been breaking even though I take vitamins. The only thing that I don't have a big problem with yet is my hair. However, if you do have dull hair, then don't fret! There is an upcoming workshop to help us lovely ladies in a time of need. Oh, and don't forget...just in time for spring break!
Alexis Pokorny

Alexis Pokorny is a holistic health coach "who works with busy professionals to reach their health goals by reducing stress, increase energy, boost confidence, increase focus and productivity, and lose weight."

Alexis's Mission: "To inspire, support and motivate others to help themselves lead a more healthy, happy and fulfilling life."

Workshop: Beauty From the Inside Out
Tranquil Space: $30 or $25 for members

  • March 3rd: 2:00-3:30 p.m.
  • 90 minute workshop
  • Discuss: hair, nails, skin, natural products, and DIY recipes

Space is limited! So, what are you waiting for? Kiss the winter blues goodbye! 

For more information on Alexis Pokorny visit {fulfillment for all}.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Traveler's Worst Nightmare

Hello, fellow bloggers!
Cristo Redentor

Once upon a time, I flew back from Brazil and landed in the United States. I went through customs fine. Then, like any typical U.S. entry, headed to claim my bag and recheck it to continue on my journey. B grabbed his bag and I stood there watching the luggage carousel circle around. I began to get this sinking feeling in my stomach as I watched everyone from my flight pick up their bags. I stood and waited as I watched an employee take all the extra bags off the carousel and sit them on the floor in a pile. I looked at B with a concerned look. B and I went and talked to Delta employees about my bag. They apologized and told me to file a missing bag report in Virginia. I landed in Virginia and was eager to file a report. Well, weeks later my bag never surfaced and Delta repaid me for my loss. It was a sad day for me, but it meant I got to go shopping for a new bag....

Of course, I absolutely love REI and shop their religiously for any travel gear I may need. B and I went to REI last night and looked around at our options. I saw my old bag, but wanted to try something new. B and I decided to try a brand of bag called Deuter because we see many foreign backpackers with this brand. I tried the bag on and loved it. I have not gone on any adventures with it yet, but soon I will and will report back to you all.

Check the bag out and let me know what you think!
Deuter ACT Lite 60 + 10 SL: $199.00 : Get the most bang for your buck with this one :)

Tip of the day: Something may seem bad at first, but look at it as a new adventure waiting to blossom!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Combine Your Love 4 Fashion and Helping People!

Hello, fellow blogger! Do you have a love for fashion and helping nonprofit organizations? 
Well, here is a combination of the two:

Rachel Roy OrphanAid Ghana Clutch: Printed on the clutch is "Kindness is always fashionable." The cute clutch is designed by Rachel Roy and costs $49.00. 

OrphanAid Africa is a nonprofit organization supporting orphans and vulnerable children in Ghana through programs in care reform, education, and development. Proceeds from the sale of this clutch will benefit OrphanAid, which helps children grow up in safe and permanent family settings with appropriate care and protection.

Downside? Only sold online. So, get out your credit card and help children in need! Click here to combine fashion and donations!

Happy shopping!