Remember how I told you that hostels are great places to stay in? Well, they are, but like with everything else there are pros and cons. Last night seemed like another typical night in Rio, but to my surprise B and I decided to head back to our hostel (I´ll give you the run down on it later) instead of dancing. When we arrived, we went to the bar attached to get a beer before truly calling it a night and going to bed. I got up to head to the bathroom, which is attached to the common area. In this common area is a computer, a television, and couches for people to relax and be social. Or so I thought. I walked in and an older guy was on the computer and I thought nothing of it. Yet, when I walked out of the bathroom, the older guy was actually on some kind of pornographic chatsite. It took a lot for me to contain my laughter...until I got to the bar where I told B to go peak in the window. We both laughed for a while and finished our beers. Oh, no this story is not over yet. We went to watch the things remembered for 2011 on the t.v. and to my surprise the older guy was still looking at a pornographic site. We pretended like this was not happening and the room was filled with youngsters hanging out. All of us looked at each other with an awkward smile and assured each other it was really happening. Finally, an employee came in and gave the most priceless expression that I will never forget. He turned around to look at us...puzzled. He quickly walked out and got Maria, who I suppose was a type of manager. Maria came in and called the guy out into the hallway. Everyone started laughing and the older guy walked back in, but continued to look at the site. Maria came back in about 5 minutes later and yelled at him again. She eventually called him into the hallway and after he came back he logged out. In the end, Maria apologized to all of us and said, "when this happens, we try to stop it immediately." I suppose that means it happens quite often.
So, what does this teach us?
Everything has its pros and cons.
Do you have any funny stories about your adventures abroad?
Happy New Years, fellow bloggers!